Lunedì, 20 Gennaio 2025

2020-21 EU-SPR initiative to support young researchers: Dundee methods workshops January – April 2021

The European Chapter of SPR is honored to announce further online activities primarily designed to support young researchers affiliated with SPR (all chapters). In April 2020, the planned EU-SPR methods workshop in Dundee (UK), one of the signature in-person events of our chapter, had to be canceled due to the pandemic. We are now very lucky that all speakers from the Dundee workshops join in to deliver their workshops and talks online: the result promises to be a top-quality level package on current psychotherapy research methods, offered by leading experts of our field, which no young SPR researcher would want to miss. Modules can be booked either separately, or, as we encourage, as an overall packagePriority for attendance is given to young researchers from all SPR Chapters who sign up for the overall package.  Deadline for registration for the overall package is January 18, 2021.

Click for more details

SPR è un’associazione scientifica internazionale che incoraggia lo sviluppo della ricerca in psicoterapia, nel rispetto dei suoi diversi indirizzi, e mira a valorizzare e migliorare il contributo della ricerca alla teoria clinica e alla pratica terapeutica.

sede legale: Via Liguria 19

90144 Palermo
CF: 11661830155
P.IVA: 06491871007 

Segreteria organizzativa:
Arké Eventi di Daniela M. Strozzi
Viale Abruzzi, 11 – 20131 Milano
Tel. 338.6396215 -